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Training Tourist Guide  Equestrian

Train yourself in the professions of equestrian tourism
with Cheval Alsace!

Application file to be submitted to us no later than 3 months before the start of the training.

Date of training

Upcoming trainings:

  • April 2022

  • January 2023

  • June 2023


Training price: 5390€

This price does not include: registration for the ATE final exam (approx. €250), registration for the training entry test (approx. €100) accommodation, catering and of displacement.

ATE training


FFE Equestrian Tourism Guide presentation video



Type of audience

The Equestrian Tourism Guide training is aimed at all audiences - people from an initial training course or enrolling in a process of continuing professional training - job seekers, professional retraining project, employee(s) ... wishing:

  • Orient yourself professionally towards the supervision of walks and hikes, as an employee or self-employed

  • Manage an equestrian tourism structure (installation or takeover)

  • Enroll in a progressive professionalization course (ATE + UC3 of the BPJEPS)

  • Practice a seasonal or additional remunerative activity

Candidates for ATE training should ideally:

  • Be a good rider, love horses and nature,

  • Have a good contact in customer relations (be patient, courteous, tolerant)

  • Know how to adapt to different audiences (level, age, disability, needs, etc.)

  • Demonstrate authority and assertiveness to gain respect from horses and hikers

  • Take initiatives and be proactive,

  • Be organized, rigorous

  • Have a good sense of direction

  • love teamwork,

  • Be physically robust, know how to be outside in all weathers,

  • Be available (binding hours, holidays and weekends) and geographically mobile.

Prerequisites for entry into training

To be able to follow the training, you must pass entrance tests .

The prerequisites for the entrance tests are as follows:

  • be 18 years old,

  • hold at least the Galop 6 de Pleine Nature or the Galop 6 de Cavalier or degree 2 issued by the FFE.

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 58d this prerequisite.

  • hold a valid LFC federal riding and competition license ,

  • hold the PSC1 certificate (Prevention and Civic Relief Level 1) or AFPS (First Aid Training Certificate)

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  • present a medical certificate of no contraindication to the practice and supervision of horse riding dating from less than one year on the date of entry into training,

  • total a minimum of 7 days of hiking certified by an establishment that is a member of the FFE or validated on the electronic hiking logbook

Entrance test

Candidates who wish to enter ATE training must be admitted to the training entrance test, which is an examination in two parts:

  1. Technical test on horseback: The technical test on horseback corresponds to a course in varied terrain of level Gallop 6 in the great outdoors
    from a distance of 0.8 to 2 km. It includes 20 difficulties that can be encountered during the hike. The candidate has an allotted time calculated according to the distance of the course on the basis of a speed of 10 km/h.

  2. Pedestrian orientation course: The pedestrian orientation test corresponds to a route of 3 to 5 km in the middle of nature comprising 8 beacons.
    The route is established on a map at 1/25000th, it must not include traps and beacons must be visible within a radius of 10m and placed approximately 1m from the ground. The candidate has 10 minutes of isolated preparation before his departure. When he takes the start, he has an allotted time calculated according to the distance of the route on the basis of a speed of 4 km/h.
    At the end of his course, the candidate carries out an interview during which he explains his experience and his motivation to follow the ATE training.


The evaluation grids are available in the appendix of the ATE FFE Regulations .

Preparation for the entrance tests can be carried out in our establishment on request.

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The positioning takes place at the end of the entrance tests when they are acquired by the candidate. This is a step that allows the candidate's needs to be assessed and to prescribe, for each module, any reductions or reinforcements in relation to the recommended training hours. These hourly volumes appear in the individualized training plan.

Exemptions, equivalences and reductions

The exemptions and equivalences that candidates may benefit from are defined in appendix 5 of the ATE FFE Regulations.

Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE)
Obtaining the ATE title by compiling an application file for VAE is also possible.
Contact the FFE training department for more information:

Training & Disability

When a candidate for entry into training as an Equestrian Tourism Guide has a disability and requires that one or more adaptations of certification situations be provided, he must submit an application to the FFE. This request includes at least a CV, a cover letter for his project, a medical certificate describing the nature of his disability and the necessary accommodations to be provided. The candidate can add any document he deems useful.

The FFE decides on this request: it refuses or grants the accommodation(s) requested with regard to the safety of the candidate, practitioners, third parties and equidae.

In order not to find yourself in difficulty during your training, it is important that the teaching team is informed of your abilities.
By knowing your situation, we will be better able to put in place the best conditions for you to follow the training.

Do not hesitate to contact us on 06 59 16 46 50 or by email at

Law No. 2005-102 for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship for people with disabilities improves their access to vocational training. There is no hierarchy in the consideration of the types of disability, even disorders that are considered minor (eg dyslexia) can be the subject of support measures and/or accommodation.


Several alternatives exist:
- Self-financing
- Funding by the employer
- Support by an organization (employment center, local authority, local authority, etc.)
- Use of your CPF (Personal Training Account)

In the event of payment by a funding organization, in whole or in part, the balance remains the responsibility of the trainee.

Cheval Alsace has obtained the QUALIOPI certification allowing the financing of its training by the CPF.
The QUALIOPI certification was issued to us under the category of the following actions: TRAINING ACTIONS.




Training aims

Possession of the professional certification mentioned in I-1 certifies that its holder independently implements the
following skills:
- Accompany and animate walks and equestrian excursions, to make discover the relation man-horse and
the environment ;
- Participate in the operation and maintenance of the equestrian structure: reception, communication, organization and
management of activities, promotion, maintenance of equipment and facilities;
- Participate in the education, welfare and maintenance of the cavalry;
- Ensure the safety of practitioners and third parties, practices and places of practice


Professional placement internship

The training includes an internship in a professional situation in a company, the minimum hourly volume of which is 45% of the hourly volume of training prescribed during positioning, i.e. 205 hours before any hourly adjustments prescribed during positioning. This professional placement course can be done either within Cheval Alsace or in another equestrian establishment holding a "Centre de Tourisme Equestre" label or equivalent issued by the FFE valid on the date of the start of the course. . 
To find out more, go to page 9 of the
ATE FFE Regulations .

training duration

The training is articulated by the alternation of hours in training and internship. It takes a minimum of 5 months to complete the training.
However, this can be spread over 1 year or more.
At the time of registration you can choose to do the full training or by module. An evaluation will be carried out at the end of each module. Once all the modules have been validated, you can register for the final exam.

Educational and technical means

Our teaching is based on:

  • A cavalry of more than 80 horses of different breeds

  • A varied and foreign clientele: adults, children, people with disabilities, works council, schoolchildren, people with social difficulties...

  • Content offered face-to-face or videoconference

  • A dedicated intranet allowing the downloading of media for
    courses, evaluations and the exchange between the trainees and the
    Training Manager

The methods used:

  • Theoretical and technical courses

  • Practical work and group feedback

  • Real-life situation (organization of walks and hikes)

  • Self evaluation

  • Individualized support

Practical arrangements

  • Accommodation: possibility of individual or shared accommodation in rooms or gîtes located at the Champ du Feu (prices on request).

  • Catering: meals from the bag, kitchen available

  • Transport: possible access by train or bus to the La Claquette site, vehicle necessary for the Champ du Feu site as it is not served by public transport. Possibility of transfer from a train station or an airport (prices on request).

  • Equipment required: the list of business to be provided will be sent to you at the time of registration.

  • Laptop: essential for sharing course materials, online assessments, completing files and practical work.


Educational team

The training is coordinated by an educational manager who teaches and leads a team of trainers.
The team is supplemented by outside contributors for certain areas of expertise (eg farriery).

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ATE, BPJEPS equestrian activities, BF Equitation
Ethological 1, BF Equi-social, BAFA, BAFD

Capture d’écran 2022-01-17 à 10.37.00.png


ATE, MATE, BEP accountant

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BPJEPS equestrian activities, ATE

On an ad hoc basis, specialized external contributors can also lead the training.


Exam date

  • Next exams: September 2022

In-training assessments

During the training, several evaluations are offered in the form of MCQs, practical tests on horseback, simulations and mock exams in order to assess the progress of the trainee and prepare him for the final exams.

Final evaluation

The ATE is issued by the French Equestrian Federation through the evaluations below.

This diploma includes three evaluation phases defined and detailed in the ATE FFE regulations.

UC1 certification test: Participate in the operation of the equestrian tourism structure

The certification of UC1 is ensured by means of the following 2 methods:

  • Modality 1-A: Professional situation - Maintenance and securing of the equestrian structure

  • Modality 1-B: Production and defense of an internship report

Candidates who have validated the 2 methods above validate the UC1.

UC2 certification test: Supervise equestrian tourism activities in safety and in compliance with ethics and animal welfare.

Candidates who have totaled at least 15 days of hiking validated on the electronic hiking logbook can register for UC2.

The certification of the UC2 is ensured by means of the following 2 methods:

  • Modality 2-A: Production of a roadbook file and maintenance relating to this file.

  • Modality 2-B: Professional situation - Accompaniment of a safe horse riding

Candidates who have validated the 2 methods above validate UC 2.

UC3 certification test: Ensuring the education and management of the equestrian tourism cavalry while respecting its well-being

Candidates who meet the following prerequisites can enroll in UC3:

  • Certificate of success in module A of the Equine Keeper Capacity on the FFE Campus;

  • Certificate of success in the MCQ general knowledge ATE on the FFE Campus


Certification of the UC3 is ensured by means of the following 3 methods:

  • Modality 3-A: Professional scenario – Equine care and cavalry monitoring

  • Modality 3-B: Professional scenario – Farriery technical demonstration

  • Modality 3-C: Professional scenario – Equestrian technical demonstration

Candidates who have validated the 3 methods above validate UC 3.

The precise examination procedures and the evaluation grids can be consulted in appendix 3 and 4 of the FFE's ATE regulations .

A plenary jury (bringing together institutions, professionals from the sector, examiners) deliberates favourably/unfavourably, based on the results obtained during the final examinations, the attendance and the observations of the evaluators.



Step 1: Submission of the application file


Step 2: Make an appointment


Step 3: Registration for the training entrance test


Step 4: Positioning


Step 5: Contractualization of the training


Step 6: Entry into training

Verification of the candidate's prerequisites, motivations and past experiences.

Meeting with the candidate, presentation of the premises and the team

Analysis of the candidate's needs, reductions and reinforcements envisaged, development of the individualized training plan.


Registration of the candidate with the French Riding Federation, signature of the training contract.


Except dispensation or equivalence.




The equestrian tourism guide is a professional in equestrian tourism activities: he welcomes, supervises, animates and accompanies independently a group of riders in activities of walks and equestrian excursions from one to several days by ensuring the safety of the practitioners. , third parties and equidae.

It performs the following functions:

  • It accompanies riders independently during walks or hikes of one to several days on identified routes and between known stage relays, ensuring the safety of riders, third parties and equines.

  • It transmits the basics of equestrian tourism riding to allow riders to participate in activities safely and with pleasure.

  • He manages and works the cavalry for which he is responsible in order to maintain it in good condition, enhance it and secure it.

  • He manages the efforts, the locomotion and the mind of the equines for which he is responsible for the respect of their integrity.

  • He ensures the choice and maintenance of equipment (saddlework, seamanship, etc.)

  • He participates in the organization and promotion of equestrian tourism activities, its structure or the structure of the employer

Other documents: RNCP 9083 certification and collective agreement


Holder of the ATE, you can continue your career according to your professional project towards:

  • BPJEPS to teach horse riding: the ATE validates the latter's TEPs

  • MATE: Equestrian Tourism Driver

  • Equestrian guide

Other documents: Federal driving license and equestrian guide



The FFE lists more than 4,000 equestrian establishments and associations offering Equestrian Tourism activities as employees or managers, in agricultural, sporting or commercial businesses.

Permanent, full-time or part-time employee: the equestrian tourism guide can work full-time in structures with a regular equestrian tourism activity or work part-time with a second professional activity. The activity may give rise to a combination of seasonal jobs.

Structure manager: the ATE can manage its equestrian tourism company. The profession of equestrian tourism guide can complement a main agricultural and/or tourist activity.

Other resources:



Why train in our structure?

  • A mountain environment conducive to equestrian tourism


  • A varied clientele: adults, children, people with disabilities, works councils, schools, people with social difficulties ...


  • Passage of Ethological Knowledge 1 & 2


  • A cavalry of more than 80 horses of different breeds


  • Discovery of TREC and endurance


  • Start-up possible all year round


  • The possibility of obtaining 2 diplomas: equestrian tourism guide and horse riding instructor


Our ATE training in a few figures (2018-2021)

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